voici un script qui peut vous aider à multitabler sur la room best one poker et le réseau entraction, ce script est créer par OSRichard et il l’a poster sur ce sujet du réseau 2+2: [url][/url]
n’hésitez pas à lui envoyez des dons si ce script vous est fort utile et qu’il vous permet de jouer plus tranquillement et donc de gagner plus d’argent.
nb: je ne fais pas le SAV du script enfin dans une moindre mesure.
c’est parti, ce script ahk est doté d’une interface graphique, il vous permet de faciliter certaines taches et/ou de configurer des raccourcis claviers/souris etc pour rendre le multitabling plus facile.
voyons la bête (petite), pour configurer il faut faire ceci et cliquer sur settings:
onglet n°1:
pour configurer utiliser les keys sur cette liste:
onglet n°2:
pareil que précédemment.
onglet n°3:
bien entendu vous avez besoin du logiciel autohotkey pour faire tourner ce script.
il faut copier coller le code dans un fichier texte et l’'enregistrer en .ahk
puis clique droit => compile
[code]; Version 0.3
; percentage of the window width and height for center of buttons
foldX := 0.48
foldY := 0.95
checkX := 0.62
checkY := 0.95
raiseX := 0.77
raiseY := 0.95
potX := 0.71
potY := 0.86
allinX := 0.79
allinY := 0.86
betBoxX := 0.47
betBoxY := 0.82
autoRebuyX := 0.88
autoRebuyY := 0.88
sitOutX := 0.88
sitOutY := 0.94
noBlindsX := 0.88
noBlindsY := 0.97
sitInX := 0.6
sitInY := 0.9
checkForFreeX := 0.58
checkForFreeY := 0.74
maxBuyInX := 0.31
maxBuyInY := 0.44
confirmBuyInX := 0.7
confirmBuyInY := 0.89
rebuyOkX := 0.49
rebuyOkY := 0.74
confirmAllInX := 0.41
confirmAllInY := 0.73
confirmLeaveX := 0.45
confirmLeaveY := 0.73
; End general settings
#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input
SetTitleMatchMode 3
SetBatchLines -1
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Settings, Settings
Menu, Tray, Default, Settings
Menu, Tray, Add, Reload, Reload
Menu, Tray, Add, About, About
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, Close
if (allwaysCheckForFree = 1)
GoSub activateAllwaysCheckForFree
if (autoBuyInMax = 1)
GoSub autoBuyInForMax
if (autoConfirmRebuy = 1)
GoSub activateAutoConfirmRebuy
if (autoConfirmAllIn = 1)
GoSub activateAutoConfirmAllIn
if (autoConfirmLeave = 1)
GoSub activateAutoConfirmLeave
; GUI to choose settings
; add tabs
Gui, Add, Tab, x-4 y0 w500 h750 , Table Hotkeys|Other Hotkeys|Options
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y32 w100 h20 , Fold
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y30 w90 h20 vFold, %Fold%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y52 w100 h20 , Check/Call
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y50 w90 h20 vCheckCall, %CheckCall%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y72 w100 h20 , Raise
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y70 w90 h20 vRaise, %Raise%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y92 w100 h20 , All In
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y90 w90 h20 vBetAllIn, %BetAllIn%
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x195 y90 w50 h20 Checked%InstantAllIn% vInstantAllIn, Instant
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y112 w100 h20 , Bet Full Pot
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y110 w90 h20 vBetFullPot, %BetFullPot%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y152 w20 h20 , Bet
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y150 w25 h20 vpercentage1, %percentage1%
Gui, Add, Text, x56 y152 w40 h20 , `% pot
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y150 w90 h20 vBetPotPercentage1, %BetPotPercentage1%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y172 w20 h20 , Bet
Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y170 w25 h20 vpercentage2, %percentage2%
Gui, Add, Text, x56 y172 w40 h20 , `% pot
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y170 w90 h20 vBetPotPercentage2, %BetPotPercentage2%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y192 w20 h20 , Bet
Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y190 w25 h20 vpercentage3, %percentage3%
Gui, Add, Text, x56 y192 w40 h20 , `% pot
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y190 w90 h20 vBetPotPercentage3, %BetPotPercentage3%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y212 w20 h20 , Bet
Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y210 w25 h20 vpercentage4, %percentage4%
Gui, Add, Text, x56 y212 w40 h20 , `% pot
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y210 w90 h20 vBetPotPercentage4, %BetPotPercentage4%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y232 w20 h20 , Bet
Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y230 w25 h20 vpercentage5, %percentage5%
Gui, Add, Text, x56 y232 w40 h20 , `% pot
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y230 w90 h20 vBetPotPercentage5, %BetPotPercentage5%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y252 w20 h20 , Bet
Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y250 w25 h20 vpercentage6, %percentage6%
Gui, Add, Text, x56 y252 w40 h20 , `% pot
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y250 w90 h20 vBetPotPercentage6, %BetPotPercentage6%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y292 w100 h20 , Add 1 BB
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y290 w90 h20 vAdd1BB, %Add1BB%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y312 w100 h20 , Subtract 1 BB
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y310 w90 h20 vSubtract1BB, %Subtract1BB%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y332 w100 h20 , Add 1 SB
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y330 w90 h20 vAdd1SB, %Add1SB%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y352 w100 h20 , Subtract1 SB
Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y350 w90 h20 vSubtract1SB, %Subtract1SB%
Gui, Add, Button, x75 y400 w50 h20 gSave, Save
Gui, Add, Button, x135 y400 w50 h20 gCancel, Cancel
Gui, Tab, Other Hotkeys
Gui, Add, Text, x5 y32 w100 h20 , Auto Rebuy
Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y30 w90 h20 vAutoRebuy, %AutoRebuy%
Gui, Add, Text, x5 y52 w100 h20 , Sit Out
Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y50 w90 h20 vSitOut, %SitOut%
Gui, Add, Text, x5 y72 w100 h20 , No More Blinds
Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y70 w90 h20 vNoMoreBlinds, %NoMoreBlinds%
Gui, Add, Text, x5 y92 w100 h20 , Sit In
Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y90 w90 h20 vSitIn, %SitIn%
Gui, Add, Text, x5 y132 w100 h20 , Exit Application
Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y130 w90 h20 vExitApplication, %ExitApplication%
Gui, Add, Button, x75 y400 w50 h20 gSave, Save
Gui, Add, Button, x135 y400 w50 h20 gCancel, Cancel
Gui, Tab, Options
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y30 w230 h20 Checked%actOnActiveTable% vactOnActiveTable, Act on active table (or table under mouse)
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y50 w200 h20 Checked%allwaysCheckForFree% vallwaysCheckForFree, Allways check for free
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y70 w200 h20 Checked%autoBuyInMax% vautoBuyInMax, Auto buy in for table maximum
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y90 w200 h20 Checked%autoConfirmRebuy% vautoConfirmRebuy, Auto confirm rebuy pop-up
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y110 w200 h20 Checked%autoConfirmAllIn% vautoConfirmAllIn, Auto confirm large all-in
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y130 w200 h20 Checked%autoConfirmLeave% vautoConfirmLeave, Auto confirm leave table pop-up
Gui, Add, Button, x75 y400 w50 h20 gSave, Save
Gui, Add, Button, x135 y400 w50 h20 gCancel, Cancel
Gui, Show, x100 y50 h450 w260, EntHelper Settings
Gui, Submit
FileDelete, EntHelper.ini
Gui, Destroy
Gui, Destroy
pressFoldButton(getTableID(), Fold)
pressCheckButton(getTableID(), CheckCall)
pressRaiseButton(getTableID(), Raise)
bet(getTableID(), percentage1, BetPotPercentage1)
bet(getTableID(), percentage2, BetPotPercentage2)
bet(getTableID(), percentage3, BetPotPercentage3)
bet(getTableID(), percentage4, BetPotPercentage4)
bet(getTableID(), percentage5, BetPotPercentage5)
bet(getTableID(), percentage6, BetPotPercentage6)
bet(getTableID(), 100, BetFullPot)
pressAllInButton(getTableID(), BetAllIn)
if (InstantAllIn = True)
pressRaiseButton(getTableID(), « »)
changeBet(getTableID(), « up », « bb », Add1BB)
changeBet(getTableID(), « down », « bb », Subtract1BB)
changeBet(getTableID(), « up », « sb », Add1SB)
changeBet(getTableID(), « down », « sb », Subtract1SB)
GoSub Close
PressButton(getTableID(), autoRebuyX, autoRebuyY, AutoRebuy)
PressButton(getTableID(), sitOutX, sitOutY, SitOut)
PressButton(getTableID(), noBlindsX, noBlindsY, NoMoreBlinds)
PressButton(getTableID(), sitInX, sitInY, SitIn)
Msgbox, About,
If you like this script please consider donating some money,
using one of the following options:
- transfer to OSRichard on PokerStars
- transfer to YorickFTP on FullTilt
- Moneybookers transfer to
If you have any suggestions/requests/comments,
PM me on 2+2 forums @ OSRichard.
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off
SetTimer, checkForFree, 500
SetTimer, buyInForMax, 500
SetTimer, autoCloseRebuy, 500
SetTimer, autoConfirmLargeAllIn, 500
SetTimer, autoConfirmLeaveTable, 500
checkForFreeWindowTitle := « Confirm fold »
IfWinExist, %checkForFreeWindowTitle%
; press "Check" button
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, px, py
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
X := Round(width * checkForFreeX)
Y := Round(height * checkForFreeY)
;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`ncheckForFreeWindowTitle: %checkForFreeWindowTitle%
;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseMove, px, py, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
IfWinExist, ahk_class SunAwtDialog
WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
if (title = « ») {
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, px, py
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
X := Round(width * maxBuyInX)
Y := Round(height * maxBuyInY)
;Tooltip, title: %title%nX: %X%
nY: %Y%
;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
MouseClick, X, Y, 0
sleep 50
X := Round(width * confirmBuyInX)
Y := Round(height * confirmBuyInY)
MouseClick, X, Y, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseMove, px, py, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
autoCloseRebuyWindowTitle := « Auto Rebuy turned on »
IfWinExist, %autoCloseRebuyWindowTitle%
; press "Ok" button
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, px, py
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
X := Round(width * rebuyOkX)
Y := Round(height * rebuyOkY)
;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`nautoCloseRebuyWindowTitle: %autoCloseRebuyWindowTitle%
;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseMove, px, py, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
autoConfirmLargeAllInWindowTitle := « Confirm Large All-In Raise »
IfWinExist, %autoConfirmLargeAllInWindowTitle%
; press "Ok" button
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, px, py
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
X := Round(width * confirmAllInX)
Y := Round(height * confirmAllInY)
;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`nautoConfirmLargeAllInWindowTitle: %autoConfirmLargeAllInWindowTitle%
;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseMove, px, py, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
autoConfirmLeaveTableWindowTitle := « Confirm leave »
IfWinExist, %autoConfirmLeaveTableWindowTitle%
; press "Ok" button
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, px, py
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
X := Round(width * confirmLeaveX)
Y := Round(height * confirmLeaveY)
;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`nautoConfirmLeaveTableWindowTitle: %autoConfirmLeaveTableWindowTitle%
;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseMove, px, py, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
global actOnActiveTable
ID := ""
if (actOnActiveTable = 1) {
WinGet, ID,, A
} else {
WinGetClass, winClass, ahk_id %ID%
if (winClass <> "l1l1.ur")
ID = ""
return ID
bet(ID, percentage, key) {
Critical, On
pressPotButton(ID, key)
betSize := readBetBox(ID)
newBetSize := Round(betSize * percentage / 100,2)
Tooltip, ID: %ID%nbetSize: %betSize%
npercentage: %percentage%`nnewBetSize: %newBetSize%
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
writeBetBox(ID, newBetSize)
Critical, Off
changeBet(ID, direction, amount, key) {
global actOnActiveTable
if (actOnActiveTable <> 1)
WinActivate, ahk_id %ID%
IfWinNotActive ahk_class l1l1.ur
Send {%key%}
Critical, On
betSize := readBetBox(ID)
if (amount = "bb") or (amount = "sb")
raiseSize := getBlind(ID, amount)
;Msgbox, raiseSize: %raiseSize%
if (direction = "up")
newBetSize := betSize + raiseSize
newBetSize := betSize - raiseSize
writeBetBox(ID, newBetSize)
Critical, Off
getBlind(ID, amount) {
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %ID%
StringSplit, title_array, title, (
StringSplit, game_type_blinds_connection, title_array%title_array0%, )
StringSplit, game_type_blinds, game_type_blinds_connection1, %A_Space%
;ttt := game_type_blinds%game_type_blinds0%
;Traytip, title: %title%`nblinds: %ttt%
StringSplit, blinds, game_type_blinds%game_type_blinds0%, /
if (amount = "sb")
return blinds1
return blinds2
readBetBox(ID) {
global actOnActiveTable, betBoxX, betBoxY
if (actOnActiveTable <> 1)
WinActivate, ahk_id %ID%
IfWinNotActive ahk_class l1l1.ur
return ""
WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
X := Round(width * betBoxX)
Y := Round(height * betBoxY)
;Traytip,, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, px, py
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
sleep 50
oldClipBoard = %clipBoard%
clipboard = ; Start off empty to allow ClipWait to detect when the text has arrived.
Send {HOME}+{END}
Send ^c
ClipWait 0.2 ; Wait for the clipboard to contain text.
If !ErrorLevel
text := clipboard
clipboard = %oldClipBoard%
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseMove, px, py, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
;Tooltip, text: %text%
;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 3000
return text
writeBetBox(ID, betSize) {
global actOnActiveTable, betBoxX, betBoxY
if (actOnActiveTable <> 1)
WinActivate, ahk_id %ID%
IfWinNotActive ahk_class l1l1.ur
WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
X := Round(width * betBoxX)
Y := Round(height * betBoxY)
;Traytip,, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, px, py
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
sleep 50
;Tooltip, betSize: %betSize%
;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 3000
Send {HOME}+{END}%betSize%
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseMove, px, py, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
pressFoldButton(ID, key) {
global FoldX, FoldY
PressButton(ID, FoldX, FoldY, key)
pressCheckButton(ID, key) {
global CheckX, CheckY
PressButton(ID, CheckX, CheckY, key)
pressRaiseButton(ID, key) {
global RaiseX, RaiseY
PressButton(ID, RaiseX, RaiseY, key)
pressPotButton(ID, key) {
global PotX, PotY
PressButton(ID, PotX, PotY, key)
pressAllInButton(ID, key) {
global AllInX, AllInY
PressButton(ID, AllInX, AllInY, key)
PressButton(ID, qx, qy, key) {
global actOnActiveTable
if (actOnActiveTable <> 1)
WinActivate, ahk_id %ID%
IfWinNotActive ahk_class l1l1.ur
;TrayTip,, Sending %key%
if (key <> "")
Send {%key%}
WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
X := Round(width * qx)
Y := Round(height * qy)
;Traytip,, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, px, py
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseMove, px, py, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
readIniFile() {
IfNotExist, EntHelper.ini
;Traytip, Inifile created
; read general options
IniRead, actOnActiveTable, EntHelper.ini, Options, actOnActiveTable, 0
IniRead, allwaysCheckForFree, EntHelper.ini, Options, allwaysCheckForFree, 0
IniRead, autoBuyInMax, EntHelper.ini, Options, autoBuyInMax, 0
IniRead, autoConfirmRebuy, EntHelper.ini, Options, autoConfirmRebuy, 0
IniRead, autoConfirmAllIn, EntHelper.ini, Options, autoConfirmAllIn, 0
IniRead, autoConfirmLeave, EntHelper.ini, Options, autoConfirmLeave, 0
IniRead, InstantAllIn, EntHelper.ini, Options, InstantAllIn, 0
; read pot percentages
IniRead, percentage1, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage1, 0
IniRead, percentage2, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage2, 0
IniRead, percentage3, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage3, 0
IniRead, percentage4, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage4, 0
IniRead, percentage5, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage5, 0
IniRead, percentage6, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage6, 0
; read hotkeys
IniRead, Fold, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Fold, %A_Space%
IniRead, CheckCall, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, CheckCall, %A_Space%
IniRead, Raise, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Raise, %A_Space%
IniRead, BetPotPercentage1, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage1, %A_Space%
IniRead, BetPotPercentage2, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage2, %A_Space%
IniRead, BetPotPercentage3, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage3, %A_Space%
IniRead, BetPotPercentage4, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage4, %A_Space%
IniRead, BetPotPercentage5, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage5, %A_Space%
IniRead, BetPotPercentage6, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage6, %A_Space%
IniRead, BetFullPot, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetFullPot, %A_Space%
IniRead, BetAllIn, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetAllIn, %A_Space%
IniRead, Add1BB, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Add1BB, %A_Space%
IniRead, Subtract1BB, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Subtract1BB, %A_Space%
IniRead, Add1SB, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Add1SB, %A_Space%
IniRead, Subtract1SB, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Subtract1SB, %A_Space%
IniRead, ExitApplication, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, ExitApplication, %A_Space%
IniRead, AutoRebuy, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, AutoRebuy, %A_Space%
IniRead, SitOut, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, SitOut, %A_Space%
IniRead, NoMoreBlinds, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, NoMoreBlinds, %A_Space%
IniRead, SitIn, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, SitIn, %A_Space%
createIni() {
; set general options
actOnActiveTable := True
allwaysCheckForFree := True
autoBuyInMax := True
autoConfirmRebuy := True
autoConfirmAllIn := True
autoConfirmLeave := True
InstantAllIn := False
; set pot percentages
percentage1 := 40
percentage2 := 50
percentage3 := 66
percentage4 := 75
percentage5 := 90
percentage6 := 115
;set hotkeys
Fold = NumpadHome
CheckCall = NumpadUp
Raise = NumpadPgUp
BetPotPercentage1 = NumpadEnd
BetPotPercentage2 = NumpadLeft
BetPotPercentage3 = NumpadClear
BetPotPercentage4 = NumpadRight
BetPotPercentage5 = NumpadDown
BetPotPercentage6 = NumpadPgDn
BetFullPot = NumpadAdd
BetAllIn = NumpadIns
Add1BB = WheelUp
Subtract1BB = WheelDown
ExitApplication = F8
AutoRebuy = F9
SitOut = F10
NoMoreBlinds = F11
SitIn = F12
writeIni() {
; write general options
if actOnActiveTable
IniWrite, %actOnActiveTable%, EntHelper.ini, Options, actOnActiveTable
if allwaysCheckForFree
IniWrite, %allwaysCheckForFree%, EntHelper.ini, Options, allwaysCheckForFree
if autoBuyInMax
IniWrite, %autoBuyInMax%, EntHelper.ini, Options, autoBuyInMax
if autoConfirmRebuy
IniWrite, %autoConfirmRebuy%, EntHelper.ini, Options, autoConfirmRebuy
if autoConfirmAllIn
IniWrite, %autoConfirmAllIn%, EntHelper.ini, Options, autoConfirmAllIn
if autoConfirmLeave
IniWrite, %autoConfirmLeave%, EntHelper.ini, Options, autoConfirmLeave
if InstantAllIn
IniWrite, %InstantAllIn%, EntHelper.ini, Options, InstantAllIn
; write pot percentages
if percentage1
IniWrite, %percentage1%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage1
if percentage2
IniWrite, %percentage2%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage2
if percentage3
IniWrite, %percentage3%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage3
if percentage4
IniWrite, %percentage4%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage4
if percentage5
IniWrite, %percentage5%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage5
if percentage6
IniWrite, %percentage6%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage6
; write hotkeys
if Fold
IniWrite, %Fold%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Fold
if CheckCall
IniWrite, %CheckCall%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, CheckCall
if Raise
IniWrite, %Raise%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Raise
if BetPotPercentage1
IniWrite, %BetPotPercentage1%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage1
if BetPotPercentage2
IniWrite, %BetPotPercentage2%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage2
if BetPotPercentage3
IniWrite, %BetPotPercentage3%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage3
if BetPotPercentage4
IniWrite, %BetPotPercentage4%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage4
if BetPotPercentage5
IniWrite, %BetPotPercentage5%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage5
if BetPotPercentage6
IniWrite, %BetPotPercentage6%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage6
if BetFullPot
IniWrite, %BetFullPot%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetFullPot
if BetAllIn
IniWrite, %BetAllIn%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetAllIn
if Add1BB
IniWrite, %Add1BB%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Add1BB
if Subtract1BB
IniWrite, %Subtract1BB%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Subtract1BB
if Add1SB
IniWrite, %Add1SB%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Add1SB
if Subtract1SB
IniWrite, %Subtract1SB%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Subtract1SB
if ExitApplication
IniWrite, %ExitApplication%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, ExitApplication
if AutoRebuy
IniWrite, %AutoRebuy%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, AutoRebuy
if SitOut
IniWrite, %SitOut%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, SitOut
if NoMoreBlinds
IniWrite, %NoMoreBlinds%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, NoMoreBlinds
if SitIn
IniWrite, %SitIn%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, SitIn
defineHotKeys() {
if Fold
HotKey, %Fold%, Fold
if CheckCall
HotKey, %CheckCall%, CheckCall
if Raise
HotKey, %Raise%, Raise
if BetPotPercentage1
HotKey, %BetPotPercentage1%, BetPotPercentage1
if BetPotPercentage2
HotKey, %BetPotPercentage2%, BetPotPercentage2
if BetPotPercentage3
HotKey, %BetPotPercentage3%, BetPotPercentage3
if BetPotPercentage4
HotKey, %BetPotPercentage4%, BetPotPercentage4
if BetPotPercentage5
HotKey, %BetPotPercentage5%, BetPotPercentage5
if BetPotPercentage6
HotKey, %BetPotPercentage6%, BetPotPercentage6
if BetFullPot
HotKey, %BetFullPot%, BetFullPot
if BetAllIn
HotKey, %BetAllIn%, BetAllIn
if Add1BB
HotKey, %Add1BB%, Add1BB
if Subtract1BB
HotKey, %Subtract1BB%, Subtract1BB
if Add1SB
HotKey, %Add1SB%, Add1SB
if Subtract1SB
HotKey, %Subtract1SB%, Subtract1SB
if ExitApplication
HotKey, %ExitApplication%, ExitApplication
if AutoRebuy
HotKey, %AutoRebuy%, AutoRebuy
if SitOut
HotKey, %SitOut%, SitOut
if NoMoreBlinds
HotKey, %NoMoreBlinds%, NoMoreBlinds
if SitIn
HotKey, %SitIn%, SitIn