Poker Tracker qui change de product ID tout seul

Je suis nul en anglais alors, j’ai essayé de faire simple.
En gros, j’essai de dire au support que mon product Id de PT a étè modifier suite a PT qui a mal ete fermé dans windows.

I just bought PT.
Tonight I wanted to use PT, although he warned me that he was already appropriated I insisted to open it. Only now I find myself with a new product ID. Can remove my old product ID and send me a new key?
My old product ID is:
My old key is:
My new product ID is:
Thanks for your help

est-ce compréhensible ?

Je suis pas un pro en anglais mais je pense que ce sera plus clair :

I have just bought PT.
Tonight I wanted to use PT, but i can’t launch it. PT warned me that it was already appropriated.I have tried again to launch it without success. The problem is that i have got a new product ID. could you erase my former product ID and send me a new key?
My former product ID is:
My former key is:
My new product ID is:
Thanks for your help

merci beaucoup pour ton aide

Il semble que le problème soit connu sous vista si j’ai bien compris le texte ci dessous. Ca promet, s’il ferme souvent mal PT. Il va falloir faire bien attention.

(ATTENTION WINDOWS VISTA USERS: If the program becomes unregistered after
you close and reopen it then you must make sure you are running the program
correctly as detailed on the download page - - After you have verified the product ID
no longer changes, please email us back with the new product ID and a new
code will be sent to you.)