PokerTracker Autorate et 6Max


Je cherche des regles d’autorate pour pokertracker qui soient adaptées au jeu shorthanded.En effet sur des tables 6max,on rentre dans plus de coups qu’en fullring et donc cela doit forcément avoir une influence sur le VPIP.

J’ai donc un peu de mal a savoir vraiment a quel comportement correspondent les stats car les regles d’autorate par defaut sont a mon avis faites pour des tables completes.(70% de VPIP reste un maniaque,mais 30%???)

Quelqu’un peux il m’indiquer un lien vers un fichier de regles?


[quote]Pour le Short Handed :

Autorate Rules Begin
ARI_3 1 X-Loose (Vp$iP 63%+)
1 5 63.00 99.00 Vol. Put Money In Pot % is between 63.00 and 99.00
ARI_12 2 Calling Station
15 5 0.01 1.65 Aggression Factor - Total is between 0.01 and 1.65
3 5 33.00 99.00 Went To Showdown % is between 33.00 and 99.00
1 1 33.00 Vol. Put Money In Pot % is greater than 33.00
ARI_4 3 Showdown Muppet
4 5 1.00 33.00 Won $ At Showdown % is between 1.00 and 33.00
3 1 20.00 Went To Showdown % is greater than 20.00
ARI_7 4 Ultra-Aggressor
16 2 2.75 Aggression Factor - Flop is greater than or equal to 2.75
17 2 2.00 Aggression Factor - Turn is greater than or equal to 2.00
18 2 2.00 Aggression Factor - River is greater than or equal to 2.00
ARI_6 5 WT (Weak Tight)
3 5 1.00 14.00 Went To Showdown % is between 1.00 and 14.00
ARI_8 6 sLA
1 5 33.00 46.00 Vol. Put Money In Pot % is between 33.00 and 46.00
16 2 2.00 Aggression Factor - Flop is greater than or equal to 2.00
18 1 0.10 Aggression Factor - River is greater than 0.10
17 1 0.10 Aggression Factor - Turn is greater than 0.10
ARI_10 7 LA
1 5 46.00 99.00 Vol. Put Money In Pot % is between 46.00 and 99.00
16 2 2.00 Aggression Factor - Flop is greater than or equal to 2.00
18 1 0.10 Aggression Factor - River is greater than 0.10
17 1 0.10 Aggression Factor - Turn is greater than 0.10
ARI_15 8 TA
1 3 33.00 Vol. Put Money In Pot % is less than 33.00
16 2 2.00 Aggression Factor - Flop is greater than or equal to 2.00
18 1 0.10 Aggression Factor - River is greater than 0.10
17 1 0.10 Aggression Factor - Turn is greater than 0.10
ARI_2 9 Fishy (LP)
1 5 46.00 99.00 Vol. Put Money In Pot % is between 46.00 and 99.00
15 5 0.01 1.65 Aggression Factor - Total is between 0.01 and 1.65
ARI_9 10 TP (Rock)
1 3 33.00 Vol. Put Money In Pot % is less than 33.00
15 5 0.01 1.30 Aggression Factor - Total is between 0.01 and 1.30
ARI_13 11 sLP
15 5 0.01 1.65 Aggression Factor - Total is between 0.01 and 1.65
1 5 33.00 46.00 Vol. Put Money In Pot % is between 33.00 and 46.00
ARI_5 0 T N/unknown
1 3 33.00 Vol. Put Money In Pot % is less than 33.00
ARI_11 0 sL N/unknown
1 5 33.00 46.00 Vol. Put Money In Pot % is between 33.00 and 46.00
ARI_14 0 L N/unknown
1 5 46.00 99.00 Vol. Put Money In Pot % is between 46.00 and 99.00
Autorate Rules End

A copier/coller dans un fichier .txt puis à importer dans poker tracker.[/quote]