Stat d'open moyen au BTN

Je veux trouver quel est, grâce à ma database, le % d’open moyen du bouton lorsque tout le monde a fold avant lui, par profondeur de stack.
J’ai essayer d’utiliser Opponents> Summaries mais il n’y a aucune stat par position. J’ai également essayer de bidouiller les filtres dans Reports, mais tout ce que j’ai fait est très approximatif et bancal.

Quelqu’un aurait des pistes ou une solution?

Merci d’avance :slight_smile:

Hello @rissim,

Le RFI me semble déjà pas mal mais je fais appel à @HMSupport car il peuvent peut-être t’aider :wink:


La modération.

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Oui, sauf que le RFI me donne le pourcentage d’open pour chaque joueur individuelement alors que je veux le % moyen du field

The only way you can try and do this would be by creating an alias of all opponents, or an alias of all regs, so you can then use the Reports with the alias and all the available stats and filters.

If you want to create an alias with a lot of villains you can do it via PGAdmin as explained here - Script to analyze population tendency on HEM - Heads Up SNG and Spin and Gos -- Two Plus Two Poker Forums - or via the new NoteCaddy Premium Aliases feature that creates an alias based on a color definition - NoteCaddy 2.6 (BETA) - What he knows throws the blows - but please be aware that it can be very resource intensive to link all villains to an alias so you should have a powerful computer with lots of ram if attempting this. This technique can also cause erroneous results if some of the villain’s you aliased together have played hands against each other. An alias is designed to join 2 or more hero screen names that would not have played against each other so while this is possible to do it is not something we officially support or recommend.

If you are using NC you can do the aggregate percentages much more quickly than by making an alias -

Customer Support

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