[quote=“Freudinou, post:972571”][quote=“LORENZO2, post:972569”][quote=“Freudinou, post:972568”][quote=“duxili, post:972566”][quote=“nik000, post:972565”]C’est plutot rigolo et ca m’a l’air bien addictif
Ils sont forts qd meme chez wina
J’aimerai bien qqs stats sur les % de chance de toucher un bingo en jouant 50 hands.
Je pense meme qu’on doit pouvoir optimiser sa strategie de reset de la carte bingo pour essayer de maximiser son edge de chattage, a etudier si la promo devient recurrente ![/quote]
Même réflexion: il faudrait calculer la proba de ship en fonction du nb de carte restante sur les 50 et le nb de cartes déjà optenues (on oublie le booster dans un premier temps, sachant que si on a le booster il vaut sans doute mieux continuer tant qu’on a une chance). Ca doit pas être be compliqué à faire. Si je jouais sur Wina je l’aurais fait ;)[/quote]
Paraît que PA a déjà lancé un appel d’offre pour des coachs de bingo. B)[/quote]
Sur qu’il y a moyen d’avoir un edge au bingo ![/quote]
Of course, idem au loto, d’ailleurs je suis malin, je ne joue jamais les numéros qui sont sortis le jour d’avant B)
Sinon Dav, je suis OK sur le principe, mais Wina s’est dit que tout le monde il serait content pour le moment : on ne touche pas au rakeback des regs et on leur ramène mass de joueur pour un investissement de 100 K. Reste à voir si cela reste en l’état…[/quote]
"Despite appearances – and the name – Cash Game Bingo does allow some room for a clever player to increase her EV above the baseline calculated above. This is because players have the option to reset their grid at any point with the click of a button, getting 14 new cards and – critically – another 50 hands in which to complete the new grid.
Presumably, Winamax included this option because they realized that some players would game the system anyway by leaving their seat when doing poorly on the current grid, then sitting down again to get a new grid. Rather than encourage players to annoy their opponents in this way, they simply included the grid-resetting option as an explicit part of the mini-game.
What this means is that, when a player reaches a situation where they’re a few hands into a grid and looking less likely than average to complete it, they can reset and try again without waiting the full 50 hands. This is not insignificant; a player is, for instance, about 15% more likely than average to hit a bingo when their first hand dealt checks off two cards, and about 10% less likely when the first hand whiffs entirely.
Since a whiff is 53% likely to occur, then we can manage an overall EV increase of about 5% even with the super-simplistic strategy of just resetting every time the first hand misses and letting the grid play out for the full 50 hands as long as the first hand connects. It wouldn’t be particularly difficult to use computer simulation to work out an optimal resetting strategy for the full 50 hands, and I may do so later in the week for a follow-up article. I’m going to take an educated guess and say that such a strategy should produce gains of at least 25% over simply ignoring the mechanic and trusting in luck, and maybe as high as 100%. Of course, it’s important to remember that we’re now talking about a fraction of a big blind per 100 hands, but especially at mid-to-high stakes, even tiny edges can eventually add up."
source: Alex Weldon
il y a 5% d’edge supplementaire à gagner face à un random qui ne re-shuffellrai pas au bon moment B)